Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blog Entry #6

First off I think that I am going to really enjoy writing this style of paper because of my past experience with the topic. That being said I plan to use my own experience and what I have learned about the paranormal over the years to prove that even a amateur investigator can be safe as long as he or she knows a few basic rules. Also, television shows such as "Ghost Hunters" and paranormal state show that as long as you live by the rules of the trade you can contact the other side without bringing harm to yourself or your team.

A ghost after all is a spirit that has not left for one of two reasons. Either they have been wronged in their past life and want to bring the truth out or two they just have unfinished business. Now, you can dwell into the realm of demons and such but for the most part a haunting is just a ghost looking to communicate and basically say "Hey I need some help here!"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Entry 5

Hey hey, I think the main thing that I have learned about persuasive writing is that I don't really like it. Ok, maybe that is a little harsh, what I mean is that its a lot of work then what I am used to. All the double spacing and doing this and that makes it almost a job more then writing. I think its one of those things that just has to be done though, you know, like when you were a kid and you had chores. You knew if you didn't get them done you couldn't go camping or stay over at your friends house. You had to do it even when you saw how bad it was going to suck.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog Assignment #4

In my essay I mostly changed my worked sited page because im still not really sure I understand what im doing in that section of an essay. I tried my best to reword some of my grammar because like I have said before my grammar isn't really that great and even Microsoft word can save me! In future essays I hope to improve on my flaws, as they say practice makes perfect.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blog Assignment #3

I want to thank everyone everyone for their thoughts and opinions. I knew my bad grammar would come into to play because I have never been able to have good grammar lol. I right a lot of fantasy stories and thats my main problem, my grammar, I think thats why I haven't tried to publish anything because of that weakness. As for the spelling, well I guess some words microsoft word cant even fix how bad I murder words.