Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blog Assignment #9

This class as a whole was my favorite for the simple reason that I like to write and I learned a few new things that will help me in the future when I am writing my own stories and such.

I think the thing I struggled with most was the deadlines, I work two jobs and being a father and a husband as well, I often put my school work last and that made me have to rush and get things done fast which in turn caused me to have more errors in my work. This class was easy enough to know that with my schedule right know I knew that I could get the things done and still work and be with my family, I think you did a great job with that and for that im grateful.

I love to write so yes the class was fun and the only thing I would do deffernt if I could go back would be taking my time and trying to put a little more effort into my work.

Overall, great class and I learned a few things. Thanks for that!